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Case Study Swimming
Swimming is a quite unique exercise which enables you to gain muscular endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning. Whether you are wanting to improve your kick strength, ankle flexibility, body position or use it as an alternative to other forms of exercise, we can provide you with a nationally recognised qualified swimming coach to help develop your technique and improve your style with excellent aquatic advice.

Swimming can take the pressure off the lower back which allows you to move more freely with reduced effort and/or reduced pain. Alternatively, water can be used as a resistive force for movement that is more tolerable than conventional weights and pulleys.

Swimming can be an excellent cardiovascular workout for clients of both sexes and ages. Weight loss depends on how dedicated you are to monitoring your calorie intake and nutritional needs; also the effort you put into a session. Diet and exercise go hand in hand, what you get out of any exercise programme is in direct proportion to what you put in.

© motive8 2004