Aromatherapy is defined as “The controlled use of essential
oils obtained from plants to achieve health and harmony of mind,
body and spirit.” The origins of aromatherapy date back
to 1800 BC, when plant materials were used for medicinal purposes.
An aromatherapy treatment is holistic in nature; it involves
emotional, psychological, as well as physical elements. Each
aromatherapy massage is personalised. Essential oils are chosen
for the massage blend according to the specific needs and
desires of the individual client. When mixed, the oils produce
a unique synergy, which means their combined actions provide
an even more effective treatment than when the oils are used
A wonderful aroma is produced, which can be smelt throughout
the gentle massage and this induces an immediate state of
relaxation and often an emotional response. The oils then
continue to act on the target areas for some time after the
massage, as they are absorbed through the skin and stimulate
the respiratory system.
Aromatherapy is beneficial for treating a number of imbalances,
from those of a nervous capacity, such as stress and insomnia,
to physiological disturbances, such as high blood pressure,
digestive problems and skin irritations. The oils can also
be used for injury treatment, for example in the reduction
of swelling, and accelerating the healing process. In fact,
for any sort of bodily imbalance, there will be an aromatherapy
treatment that can help.
After an initial consultation, treatment usually involves
massage using appropriate essential oils to target specific
areas. Home care plans are also available to provide ongoing
treatment. Home care involves bath blends, oils for burning
and inhalations, again, depending on the most appropriate
method of application.