Filon Products Trademark Filon UK Manufactures GRP Rooflights, Roofing, Cladding - Filon UK

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Site updated 11th July 2011

Filon Over-RooFing at Latham Vauxhall

Filon Over-Roofing -
Latham Vauxhall

The Filon Over-RooFing solves a failing metal roof problem, which was beyond repair, with least disturbance to client's business.

Filon Over-RooFing at Parkehouse School

Filon Over-Roofing -
Parkhouse School & College

Filon Over-RooFing was used to re-roof the Sports Hall at Parkhouse School & College, which required no planning permission or structural surveys due to the zero weight system.

Filon Citadel at Boulby Potash Mine

Filon Citadel - Boulby Mine
Replacement of corroded coorugated metal cladding, due to the chemical properties of potash, at Boulby Potash Mine with chemical resistant Filon Citadel GRP cladding.

Filon Over-RooFing at Farnham Sports Centre

Filon Over-Roofing - Farnham
The installation of Filon Over-RooFing at the Farnham Sports Center to re-cover an existing asbestos cement roof, giving least disturbance to the roof whilst the centre remaind open.

Filon DR ReFurb at Accordis Factory

Filon DR Refurb - Accordis
Replacement of a corroded corrugated metal roof at Accordis Factory with Filon DR ReFurb GRP profiled sheeting.

Contacts: Tel. 01543-687-300 Fax. 01543-687-303 © Filon Products Ltd.