Using Filon's Website
The website's is built on the principles of being highly responsive, using the width of the page as apposed to the depth,
have consist page layout throughout the site, provide easy navigational functions, be user friendly and offer as much
relevant information to the user as possible with many quick PDF downloads.
Across the top of the screen underneath the main heading is the Main Menu for the whole site consisting of nine options.
Clicking on any Main Menu option, from Product Range to Response, will display a Drop Down Menu.
The Drop Down Menus display additional functions within the Main Menu option.
Clicking on any of these additional functions will display a Web Page which provides information on what the facility
Note within Product Range and Case Histories the Drop Down Menus provide a list of Product Group Menus, clicking on
any one of these will display the range of products within that product group.
Within a Product Group Menu, clicking on the red underlined text for any product shown will access a Web Page which
provides information and pictures of the relevant product.
On reaching a Web Page there is in many instances a PDF (Portable Document Format) facility, which allows the user to
view more detailed information of the item on the Web Page. This information can be printed out if required, thereby
providing a readable hard copy detailing more data on the benefits, specifications and applications of the product.
To return to the prior page it is recommended that the Back option in the Browser is pressed. Alternatively, as the Main
Menu appears on every Web Page you can click on any option to go back or move to another item of interest.
For the Home and Site Map options in the Main Menu there are links that go direct to Web Pages within the site.
- In the case of the Home Page these links are related to new or important items available since the last update.
- In the case of the Site Map they provide a direct link to every Web Page in the site.
Filon Products are constantly seeking to improve services to customers and provide them with
up to date and immediate information at their desktop, enabling customers to be unhindered by
delays, unnecessary telephone calls, and help improve their decision making.
Filon Products welcomes positive feedback to help improve services and increase customer satisfaction.