If you've got anything to add to any of the stories on this site, then please drop PlanetSlade a line by clicking here.
I'd be particularly interested to hear from anyone who's got family stories about Lobby Ludd, can point me to an especially bizarre version of one of the murder ballads I've covered or has their own photographs of Fredericksburg's Easter Fires pageant. New information on Harry Pace or Martin and Anna Bates would be very welcome too.
Please DON'T send me any commercial mailings or other junk because, whatever it is you're selling, I can promise you I don't want one. My penis is just fine the way it is, I don't want to hear about your barmy cult and, no, I won't send you my bank account details.
If the response justifies it, I'm hoping to eventually turn this page into a Feedback section, running the best of readers' comments and contributions. If you'd rather not see your e-mail reproduced here, then please make that clear in the text.