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Site updated 11th July 2011

V-Flow - GRP Valley Troughs and Flashings for Domestic Housing

Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings

Filon manufacture superior quality Valley Troughs and Flashings from GRP for use within the domestic housing market. It is well known that Valley Troughs and Flashings play a vitally important part in keeping a house free from damp, which can prove extremely costly to renovate.

BBA Certification - The BBA have advised Filon Products Ltd. that the Contract M2/36703 for Assessment of Filon's Valley Troughs and Flashings is now complete and that the new certificate has been issued.
For a copy of the new BBA Approval Certificate in PDF format click here

Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings are made of tough, resilient GRP of exceptional durability, meeting the necessary extremes of the British weather conditions and lasting in excess of 30 years.

The essential qualities that Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings offer :
Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings

  • Very tough, shatter resistant GRP will withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Excellent fire resistant meeting BS476 "Fire Tests" Parts 3 and 7.
  • In built UV light stabilisers ensures the product does not become brittle over
  • time nor subject to thermal movement in hot and cold weather conditions.
  • Superior surface protection enhances its ability to withstand extreme weather
  • conditions.
  • Opaque grey finish giving the look of traditional materials (lead), but unlike
  • lead it has no salvage value making it anti-theft proof.
  • Exceptional durability lasting in excess of 30 years.
  • Inherent robust and resilience makes it maintenance free.
  • Easy to use being light in weight and pliable, and easy to cut and fix requiring
  • no special equipment.
  • Built in mortar grips ensure good mortar bond between valley and tile,
  • providing secure weather-tight joints.

    Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings are manufactured for proprietary manufacturers and suppliers of domestic roofing accessories. Details can be supplied by telephone request.

    If you wish to obtain more information about our Filon Valley Troughs and Flashings products you can view and print the Technical
    Datasheet in PDF format. To do this you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader running on your computer. Filon V-Flow Datasheet (303Kb)

  • Contacts: Tel. 01543-687-300 Fax. 01543-687-303 © Filon Products Ltd.