Environmental Planning and Assessment Advice
CBA is registered with the UK’s Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment’s
EIA Quality Mark Scheme.
Construction Environmental Impact Assessment, Mitigation and Management Advice
Reptile and Amphibian Mitigation for major housing development at Holborough Valley
Gatwick Airport North West Zone Expansion River Mole diversion
Sovereign House-Ecological design advice comprising green roofs, swales and other sustainability measures for a mixed use development
Greater Norwich Strategic Landscape Planning
North Colchester Sustainable Urban Extension
Durham City Urban Regeneration
High Speed 1/Channel Tunnel - London Rail Link
Milton Keynes Green Infrastructure Guide – Design Guidance for Masterplanning Sustainable Communities
Strategies for planning and delivery of Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities
Central Lincolnshire - Green Infrastructure and Eco-development Planning Advice
Environmental Assessment
Landscape Planning
Green Infrastructure Planning
CBA's environmental planning services include environmental assessment, planning advice, ecology, landscape planning and green infrastructure planning.
We have particular experience in assessing the environmental impact of planning applications within sensitive landscapes and townscapes, historic environments and areas of ecological interest. CBA's environmental planners, ecologists and landscape planners have a reputation for providing objective and balanced professional advice. Many of our team are also experienced expert witnesses at planning inquiries.
CBA's award-winning green infrastructure strategies/design guidance are continuing to influence the planning and delivery of sustainable communities across the country.
© Chris Blandford Associates 2012