Scientific Imaging
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   Simply the very best in Scientific Imaging Systems

Microscope Automation
SimplePCI supports microscope peripherals from all the major manufacturers.
These devices include Filter wheels, programmable shutters, high precision XY stages, computerised Z focus control and LCD based colour capture.

Recent developments from the microscope manufacturers now include upright and inverted microscopes from Zeiss, Leica and Nikon. All of these are supported by our software.




Prior Scientific manufacture a wide range of filter wheels, precision XY stages and Z focus drives. There are available for nearly every microscope.
The precision that can be achieved with the Proscan range of XY stages, provides
enough resolution to carry out multiple site time lapse even at x100 magnification!

10 position filter wheels and shutters can be combined to provide full illumination control even with older microscopes. For more information look at our application pages Here...


CRI Inc manufacture Liquid Crystal based illumination devices. These are available in two formats. The first the CRI RGB converts a high resolution monochrome camera into