Scientific Imaging
01273 502176
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   Simply the very best in Scientific Imaging Systems

Digital Pixel and Compix
are organising a number of events over the forthcoming year. There are specific location based events where scientists with an interest in imaging can see some of the work being carried by our users.

We are also organising a number of events based on more specific applications such as Multiple Site Time Lapse, FRET, or 3-D imaging.
We already have some provisional dates
for these events.
For further information please contact us at,

or register below for a specific event.




Multiple Site Time Lapse
A hands on seminar discussing the implementation of multiple site time lapse.This will be a single day seminar outlining a number of real applications with a discussion in the morning. Lunch followed by a hands
on go with real living samples.
You will then go home with a series of the best movies burnt onto CD!!
Location : London
Date:         Week Beginning 22nd April.
Cost:          £30
16 person limit


User Group Meeting
A get together
for users. An open ended discussion based on applications, "How to Do's", future requirements and wants.
Location : Birmingham
Date:         Week Beginning 15th April.
Cost:          Free to Registrants
16 person limit


Digital Microscopy - An Introduction
A hands on seminar outlining the basis of modern digital microscopy-
Cameras, Analysis, Applications

Location : Birmingham
Date:         Week Beginning 15th April.
Cost:          £30
16 person limit