Scientific Imaging
01273 502176
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   Simply the very best in Scientific Imaging Systems

Camera Systems
The choice of camera system is critical to the success of your experiment.
The Hamamatsu ORCA range of cameras provide exceptional speed, sensitivity and reliability at a great price.

The standard workhorse in the range is the ORCA Standard.
It runs at 9 frames per second to full resolution of 1280x1024 pixels,
with a pixel size of 6.7 microns.

Pixel binning provides the ability to trade resolution for sensitivity and speed,
with binning of 2x2 nearly 20 frames per second is possible
, and SPCI allows you to view and acquire data at the full frame rate of the camera, with interactice gain, offset, zoom and exposure control!!




The new ORCA ER provides the same resoliution as the STANDARD, with almost the same readout speed. However it benefits from extended sensitivity, with almost 60% more sensitivity at the GFP emmision wavelength. More....

Both of these camera are available with Firewire and RS422 capability. Please contact us for more information.


TV Video Systems We can also breath life back into an old system. For less than you think we can provide an interface card and software to drive your TV video or intensified camera system. Our capture module supports frame averaging and integration



Confocal Microscopy If you have a confocal microscope our core module now allows you to import TIFF images series for 3-D rendering, time lapse, image analysis and export as AVI's. Call us for more details or a demonstration version of the software.