
Let you're business fly…

Stakeholder Engagement

Does your company need to consult with stakeholders? Would it help your business if you did include your stakeholders in your business planning?

If so, there are few better qualified people to help you than me.

Involving stakeholders is a key factor in improving business performance. Most companies now know the views of those that have the most influence over their business - shareholders, key customers, employees, government agencies, competitors. But balancing these diverse interests is a problem left largely untouched in either the academic or practitioner literature. I can help.

Taking this a stage further, are you aware of the opinions of your other stakeholders, the customers in yet-to-be served markets, those of environmentalists and other political activists, local people, the stakeholders without a voice? It is from these as-yet-to-be reached groups that many believe will come the stimulation for competitive imagination. And from competitive imagination comes the innovation you need to survive and prosper in increasingly competitive and fast moving markets.