fire door wedge open


doorguard dorgard fire door retainerDorgard is the acoustically activated fire door hold open device designed to protect buildings and save peoples' lives, whilst allowing freedom of access, which is an everyday issue in occupied buildings.

Dorgard is inexpensive to buy - battery operated/no wires
Install Dorgard in under five minutes
Automatic night-time release facility
Complies with BS EN 1155: 1997
Benchmark - state of the art technology
Choice of 8 Dorgard colours (standard black)

When fire indiscriminately struck one of our customers in Crawley recently, an estimated £6 million was saved thanks to the automatic activation of Dorgard units which quickly released fire doors to close throughout the building.

Accepted by Fire Authorities - Essential part of your Risk Assessment!!!

home page |  fire-safety-regulations |  approvals |  ask dr bob |  how it works |  colours |  dimensions |  how to install dorgard |  technical help |  floor plate |  downloadable documents |  price list |  money back trial |  order form |  money back trial |  news and case studies |  fireco ltd |  contact us |  doorguard |  fire doors |  risk assessment |  door retainers |