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Everyone loves a bargain as long as it doesn't compromise the quality. That's exactly what the Legal Privilege Card offer you, both nationally and more importantly locally.
  With discounts from the majority of major high street retailers the card offers you discounts that were simply unobtainable to the majority of consumers in the past.
  The card makes sense, it's that simple. If you already shop online, you'll find a large range of discounts from companies that you already spend money with, so why not get an additional saving or even better, cash back. Locally, we all want savings from our favourite stores, restaurants and business's. The Legal Privilege Card offers you all this and more. APPLY TODAY and start saving.
QualitySolicitors is made up of many of the UK’s best law firms who have come together to create a national legal brand with locations nationwide. We are different to the traditional, stuffy image of law firms. We pride ourselves on being friendly and approachable and are passionate about providing the very highest standards of client service in the legal market. In August 2011 we launched "Legal Access Points" in many WHSmith stores across the UK giving consumers direct access to legal services if and when they require them. The Legal Privilege Card is our initial introduction to you, we work on a very simple philosophy that we know that you may not need any legal services today but if you do, then you know where we are.
By you using the card on a daily basis to save money, we hope that if the occasion arises that you need any legal advice, then you would take advantage of our free 30 minute meeting facility with no obligation.




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Quality Solicitors Howlett Clarke is the practising name of Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP
Partners: Timothy Fenton* Simon Rowe* Colin Edmonds* Jackie Gillespie* Warren Robertson* Tony Newey Alex Jones Louise McKay *Is a member of the Limited Liability Partnership. The term ‘Partner’ refers to a member of the LLP or an employee with equivalent standing and qualifications.
Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales number OC343046. The registered office is at 8-9 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AZ. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 547210 under Rule 7.07(1) of the Solicitors Code of Conduct.
We have worldwide professional indemnity insurance through Allianz Global & Corporate Speciality Solicitors Professional Indemnity of 27 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AA under policy number B1198VH008469Q499