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  Established in 1773 we are Brighton & Hove’s oldest legal practice and have long been a focal point in the local community. We have been based in our Ship Street offices since that time which was built as a home and office by founder William Attree who was extremely well-known in the town. Indeed he acted for the Prince Regent in connection with conveyancing for the Royal Pavilion.
  As with most businesses, we have been subject to constant change during our lifetime. The current version of the firm is as a result of a successful merger in 2003 between two well-regarded local firms, Howlett Clarke Cushman and Aldrich Crowther and Wood.We are proud to have continued in the vein of evolution by becoming Founder Partners of QualitySolicitors. For us, becoming part of the QualitySolicitors brand has allowed us to build upon an already successful business, based on the solid foundations of looking after our clients. We cover most personal and business areas of law and clients will deal with experienced, legally trained lawyers.
Brighton Solicitor
As a local business we are pleased to be associated with local charities such as the Sussex Cancer Fund reaffirming our commitment to the community. We are a people-based firm and our business model is based on helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome. We never lose sight of what is real and what is important. It has stood us in good stead for over 200 years and believe it will continue to do so
Unlike some other law firms, our clients have direct access to the lawyer dealing with their case and whilst we would never claim to offer a retail therapy experience, it is our job to make things as easy as possible.
If you don't know of us already and you believe that you have a legal issue, then why not take advantage of a free no obligation 30 minute meeting. Even if you just need some advice we've been around long enough to help you. Call us now on 01273 327 272
If you'd like to find out more about us then visit our website here




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Quality Solicitors Howlett Clarke is the practising name of Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP
Partners: Timothy Fenton* Simon Rowe* Colin Edmonds* Jackie Gillespie* Warren Robertson* Tony Newey Alex Jones Louise McKay *Is a member of the Limited Liability Partnership. The term ‘Partner’ refers to a member of the LLP or an employee with equivalent standing and qualifications.
Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales number OC343046. The registered office is at 8-9 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AZ. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 547210 under Rule 7.07(1) of the Solicitors Code of Conduct.
We have worldwide professional indemnity insurance through Allianz Global & Corporate Speciality Solicitors Professional Indemnity of 27 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AA under policy number B1198VH008469Q499