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  We’ve been in Brighton since 1773 so we understand and appreciate the importance of local businesses and how the community prefer to use them. This is why many local businesses are already joining the scheme which in turn promotes their own services or products for free. By having an established national section including a vast majority of high street brands we know the scheme already works. Our soft launch saw over 800 local residents taking the card via WH Smith, before the online version was launched.
  As you would expect we receive quite a few applications to join the scheme. To help you with your application there are a couple of tips below that you should read before you send it to us. The application form is simple and straightforward, although please note that every application is carefully screened for suitability before we process it.
Brighton Hove Worthing Business
It’s easy to sign up.  However, before you do, take some time out to think of a suitable promotion. There are approximately 19,600 businesses just in Brighton and Hove alone; so what makes you different? Why do people use you?. To make yourself stand out you need to make us sit up and look at your promotion.  After all, if it doesn’t grab our attention it’s unlikely to gain anyone else’s. We would also suggest that you read the "How does it work" and "Our Expectations" pages.
Finally, if all else fails and you need some help with your application, simply click here




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Quality Solicitors Howlett Clarke is the practising name of Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP
Partners: Timothy Fenton* Simon Rowe* Colin Edmonds* Jackie Gillespie* Warren Robertson* Tony Newey Alex Jones Louise McKay *Is a member of the Limited Liability Partnership. The term ‘Partner’ refers to a member of the LLP or an employee with equivalent standing and qualifications.
Howlett Clarke Solicitors LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales number OC343046. The registered office is at 8-9 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AZ. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 547210 under Rule 7.07(1) of the Solicitors Code of Conduct.
We have worldwide professional indemnity insurance through Allianz Global & Corporate Speciality Solicitors Professional Indemnity of 27 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AA under policy number B1198VH008469Q499