Pocketfit 52 Adult

Pocketfit Adult 52 Ultimate Exercise playing cards is an exciting new concept designed to get all adults active, improving their general fitness and well being. It has been designed to give all participants the opportunity to access an exercise activity which is exciting, invigorating and challenging. We, as the designers, feel that the cards can help target all participants by making exercise more accessible – from low level ability to elite athletes in their respective fields. With the demands of modern life, we often find ourselves pressed for time, often substituting some form of health and fitness for more important life commitments. Pocketfit 52 Ultimate Exercise has been designed to alleviate this modern day problem and help you build exercise and fitness into your day-to-day lives.

There are 7 different colours linked to the 4 suits of a pack of playing cards which all correspond to a range of different exercises. These exercises can be adapted to any environment – often without the need for complex equipment. Whether you’re clients are new to health and fitness or elite level athlete, Pocketfit 52 has a workout for them! The pioneering concept allows instructors to be creative and innovative in delivery, giving you the opportunity to design and implement your own specific sessions using the cards.

The programme is divided into 3 main units; each area will be delivered individually following key exercise and fitness concepts followed by theory and practical assessments

  • Unit 1: Components of Health and Fitness
    Assessment: Components of Health and Fitness Worksheet
    Assessment by: Assessment of Worksheet
  • Unit 2: Planning a Pocketfit Adult 52 Ultimate Exercise session
    Assessment: Session Plans and Worksheet
    Assessment by: Assessment of written work
  • Unit 3: Delivering an Adult 52 Ultimate Exercise Session
    Assessment: Practical delivery
    Assessment by: Observation of practical and examination of written work
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