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Relish™ smartwire is a master power-down switch for all non-essential devices, an innovation developed in phase 1. Located near the front door, it turns off all non essential devices and lights as you leave the home.

The smartwire innovation has been used in the Relish-it! community hub to show residents the impact of turning off all non essential items. Seeing the energy meter and the smartwire switch side by side as the flat powers down is a profound demonstration of how much energy is wasted.

Currently, it is not cost effective to retrofit smartwire switches, but we have been monitoring the impact of a Relish-it!™ programme, together with smartwire switches across 20 new homes during 2012-2013. Data calculated by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows that a power down switch such as smartwire can deliver a saving of £138.14 per annum based on a typical family home. Our findings from the programme will be published in due course.

We expect on-going innovations such as smartwire plus* and the implementation of the household Relish™ rating will achieve further energy reductions for residents and bring us ever closer to the 80% target.