About Relish™

Print version of Relish™ about page [http://www.relish.org/about.html]

"Environmental, corporate and social pressures to reduce carbon emissions within our everyday life are becoming more and more apparent, especially within the housing sector. Until now, traditional research has focused on reducing the energy requirement for new homes or in major refurbishment projects of unoccupied buildings. Relish™ offers an effective, viable refurbishment strategy for both social landlords and private owners." ROBIN ROBERTS, PROPERTY SERVICES DIRECTOR, WORTHING HOMES

The purpose of this project is to reduce energy use in existing occupied homes through low cost, sensible refurbishments giving maximum return, in terms of energy savings, per pound spent. Our ambition is to create a new standard for low carbon retrofitting, similar to the Code for Sustainable Homes, which has brought about major changes in the new build sector since its implementation.

Refurbishment programmes like the decent homes initiative are designed to ensure that homes meet the current statutory minimum standard for housing and are in a reasonable state of repair. Relish™ goes further, showing residents how, through an initiative designed to reduce fuel hungry homes, they can optimise the benefits for themselves.

For further detailed information, please see our downloads below.