BE is working in partnership with Calderdale Council to
produce an audit of woodlands in Calderdale (West Yorkshire)
to help ensure they remain valuable ecological resources and
help deliver Calderdale's Biodiversity Action Plan targets
for upland oak woodland. This is a voluntary project that
depends upon recruitment of willing volunteers. Training workshops
are run on a periodic basis that cover our targeted survey
methodology. These are opportunities to get involved with
conserving Calderdale's important woodlands and to learn more
about woodland ecology. Watch out for forthcoming training
dates and project news.
Bat Survey Training
BE run a programme of training in bat ecology, survey techniques
and offers graduate work experience. This ranges from basic
scoping surveys to detailed emergence /dawn surveys and data
analysis. If you are keen to find out more please contact
Dead brown long eared used for training.
License number 20072839.