NHS Innovations London
medical devices

NHS Innovations London is part of a national network of NHS Innovation Hubs that were established to provide services to the NHS to help Trusts identify, protect and develop their intellectual property.

Hyphen have an ongoing relationship with NHSIL to help them develop and realise seed concepts and ideas from clinicians working in Primary Care Trusts in the London area.

The projects usually pose particular design and ergonomic challenges that impact on both patent and clinician welfare.

click on the links below to see our work
> B&Q
> Outback UK
> Easydo Products
> Fisco Tools
> SchlumbergerSema
> TSI Instruments
> Oxford Products
> EME Healthcare
> Tomy
> NHS Innovations
> Monitor Audio
> Virgin Mobile
> Speedo
> Aerstream Tech.
> Gartenkraft
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