


Our heritage studies cover: Conservation Areas; Listed buildings; historic landscapes; designed landscapes including Registered parks and gardens; and heritage impact assessments.

Conservation plans establish the significance of heritage sites and set policies and actions for good conservation practice.

Management plans give a practical basis for achieving the aims of conservation plans.

Thorough survey and assessment is the basis of all good heritage practice.

Restoration of historic parks and gardens conserves heritage features and brings many public benefits.

Other heritage projects include:
Scotney Castle Estate
RAF Barnham
Stansted Park
Parham Park
Alexandra Park
St Leonards Gardens
Kemnal Manor
Newbold College


Appuldurcombe House and Park: Baroque house and Capability Brown park

Firle Park: a landscape by William Emes
College of the Holy Child Jesus, St Leonards: the Pugin Chapel

Cobham Park, Kent: the Neo-Classical Darnley Mausoleum in ancient wood pasture
Dunorlan Park, Tunbridge Wells: restoration of a garden by Robert Marnock

Upper Heyford Airbase, Oxfordshire: adapting a Cold War airbase to new uses


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