Restoration awards

The Transport Trust introduced these annual Awards specifically to assist preservation projects that are underway but not completed. Applicants need to show that some progress has already been made, that there is a clear and costed future plan and a realistic likelihood of completion.

To qualify for an award, a transport item should fulfil the following seven criteria:

1. The restoration work should be sufficiently advanced that, if an Award is made, the application of the funds awarded should enable the project to be substantially completed within approximately one year.

2. The item should have a rarity factor and be significant in terms of transport history.

3. The restoration should be to a good standard of finish with a significant amount of the work being undertaken by the restoring owner(s).

4. A budget indicating proper financial control of the project should have been prepared at the outset and the Trust Inspector would wish to have a sight of it.

5. The Trust needs to be satisfied that, after restoration, the item will be seen and enjoyed at reasonable intervals by the general public.

6. The Trust also needs to be satisfied that, as far as is reasonably foreseeable, the item is not destined for the market place and will be retained by the restoring owner/s. To comply with the Trust’s charitable status, in the event of the sale of the item within three years of making the award, the Trust may require repayment of the sum awarded if the recipient of the proceeds of sale is not a museum, charity or properly constituted preservation society.

7. Infrastructure projects will not be considered for this award scheme.

Recent awards

Many exceptional preservation and restoration projects have received awards from the Trust in recent years. To get an idea of the range of projects click here.

How to enter

You can download the application form for yourself from the link below and either print it and post it or scan your completed form and email it back to the Trust. All forms must be returned by 30th June for that year’s awards.

Download an application form

If you have any questions concerning the completion of the form, please contact the Transport Trust for clarification.

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