dim rst, strSQL, Txt, cnt, Colour
'Create the Recordset object
set Rst = server.CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
'Open the connection to the database
'Conn.Open strCon
strSQL ="SELECT PageText.PAGETEXTID, PageText.PageName, PageText.Alias, PageText.Text FROM PageText WHERE (((PageText.PageName)='Social_Workers'))"
rst.open strsql,conn
If rst.EOF = false then
rst.Filter ="Alias='-Title'"
Txt = rst.Fields("Text")
End if
rst.Filter = "Alias like 'Bullet%'"
Parents for Children offers a range of services to Local Authorities which
Do while rst.EOF = false
If cnt Mod 2 = 1 then
colour = Colour1
colour = Colour2
end if
Txt = rst.Fields("Text")%>
We can also assist with a comprehensive
assessment of wider birth family members potential to care for children and
assist the local authority in planning a way ahead for looked after children.
4 Kids
So often the wishes and feelings of foster
carers' own children are overlooked. This unique project has captured the trust
and commitment of children and young people and given them a unique voice and
support network in respect of their contribution towards the fostering service.
To date, this service has focused on the needs and interests of our own foster
carers' birth children but we are more than willing to share our experiences
with Local Authorities and to consider potential partnerships.
For more information please contact Gina Ridgewell, Kids4Kids Co-ordinator on
020 7288 4321.