<% dim rst, strSQL, Txt, cnt, Colour 'Create the Recordset object set Rst = server.CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset") 'Open the connection to the database 'Conn.Open strCon strSQL ="SELECT PageText.PAGETEXTID, PageText.PageName, PageText.Alias, PageText.Text FROM PageText WHERE (((PageText.PageName)='Adoptive_Parents'))" rst.open strsql,conn If rst.EOF = false then rst.Filter ="Alias='-MainText'" Txt = rst.Fields("Text") End if %>
View Child Profiles             Adoptive Parents
Adoptive Parents  

Family Pic <% Response.Write(Trim(Txt)) rst.Filter = "Alias like 'Bullet%'" %>  

<% cnt = 1 Do while rst.EOF = false If cnt Mod 2 = 1 then colour = Colour1 else colour = Colour2 End if Txt = rst.Fields("Text") Response.Write("") Rst.MoveNext cnt = cnt + 1 Loop %>
" + trim(Txt) + "

You're never on your own with us
We will work with you at every stage to ensure that you are prepared in the best possible way to take a child into your home. We provide training and preparation to aid you in becoming an adoptive/foster parent and will continue to support you - every step of the way.

  <% rst.Close %>