Fees and Scholarships


We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that our fee structure is as inclusive as possible, with very few extra costs for parents to meet during the school year.

Our fees include all stationery, textbooks, sporting activities (including horseriding for Prep Department) and transport.

For maximum convenience, payment may be made at the start of each term, or by monthly standing order for a small extra charge though it is mandatory that payment be made on the first day of term if choosing this option.

School fees are reviewed annually, prior to the end of the summer term and parents are notified of any subsequent changes.

The Parkgate Personal Accident Scheme covers all children and the cost is included in the school fees.

Please note that the fee structure for 2013 - 2014 will be as follows:

Tuition Fees per term Nursery
2 ½ - 3 years
2 ½ - 4 years
3 - 4 years
3 - 4 years
3 mornings/afternoons
5 mornings/afternoons
Per afternoon per term
5 full days
Reception and Pre-Preparatory    
4 - 7 years   £4,100
7 -11 years   £4,300
School lunches £280
Individual Music Lessons £190
After School Clubs £80

Fees include all stationery, text books, sport (including riding in the Prep Dept) and transport. All fees are reviewed annually prior to the end of the summer term and take into account current market forces, salary awards to staff and other costs.

Nursery Grant Scheme

As Parkgate House School is a member of the Nursery Grant Scheme, all children of appropriate ages are eligible to receive this grant, which is distributed to parents on receipt from the local authority. School Fees with effect from 1st September 2010.


In supporting our commitment to excellence and high standards, “The John Andrew Shanley” Academic Scholarship and “The Hanora” Music Scholarship were established in 1996. The academic scholarship involves the following: an English Paper, a Mathematics Paper and a Reasoning Paper. Musicians applying for the music scholarship are requested to play an instrument, sing and complete an oral theory examination. Invitations to sit for the scholarship examinations are sent out in the Autumn Term.


Copyright 2014, Parkgate House School.
All rights reserved.