Editors: Margaret Flynn and Bridget Penhale
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 1466-8203
Online ISSN: 2042-8669
Aims and scope
The Journal of Adult Protection offers vital access to innovative
research, viewpoints and commentary on current policy in this
important field of adult protection and safeguarding adults.
The Journal’s key benefits include:
• it is the only Journal to address developments across all adult
service user groups
• it bridges the gap between research and practice
• articles cover an extremely wide range of issues in adult protection
and related agendas – elder abuse, learning disabilities, physical
disabilities, mental health, as well as different types of abuse,
including: financial, psychological, physical and sexual abuse,
and neglect
• highlighting dignity in care and best practice.
The Journal of Adult Protection is vital for everyone involved in
adult protection and safeguarding. It is a hugely valuable source of
information and intelligence for academics, universities and colleges,
commissioners, practitioners, policy-makers, managers, social
workers, the police, magistrates, solicitors, health boards, education,
local authorities, the voluntary sector, NHS and primary care trusts,
service users, carers and students.
Aims and scope
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