last update 23/07/02
Waste Management
SES Waste Management Module - view the SES presentation online.
Key Reference Sites - click on any of the items below to view online. Bifpack Valpack Industrial Council for Packaging & the Environment Online Packaging Solutions Department of the Environment, Transport & the Regions Office of Fair Trading look up Statutory Instrument 1997 No.648 A number of companies operate Approved Compliance Schemes, these are:- Valpack, Biffpack, Cleanpack, Difpack, Jempac, Paperpac, Pennine-Pac, Properpak, Recycle-UK, SWS Coompack, Wastepak, Wespack. - a full listing can be found on the OFT website.
ISTUG reference site - Ultra Colours and Chemicals point of contact William Kinlin phone 0161 488 5246, or email to