last update 12/8/02


These tools enable SES data files to be downloaded and uploaded to mobile terminals the following have come to the notice of ISTUG  :-

MOBILE PRODUCTIVITY LTD - we have the following information, but hope to invite this company to present to the user group shortly. 
View a presentation by the company of its products.
Point of contact - Gareth Pugh - telephone 01491 613424 or 07775 795066
email address 
The company also have a web site at 

ISTUG reference sites:-

ACTIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS - the only information we have to date is in the following data sheets.
Read about Active Computer Solutions online
Look at the data sheets online.

ISTUG reference sites -

DISCLAIMER - In all instances ISTUG is presenting information that it has received through its meetings or by other means. ISTUG is not and will not express opinions regarding the merits of one product over another. Information is supplied only for the purpose of our members having visibility of the range of products available and having freedom of choice to select a solution best suited to their business.