To add new services to the Service file used on purchase orders and invoices.
To add the special VAT service' used to calculate VAT on purchase invoices.
To amend the basic details of existing services. To delete services which are no longer used.
To print a list of all services.
If the Inventory Control module is not installed, all items are held in this file.
To ensure that VAT can be recorded on purchase invoices, a special VAT service' record must be added to the Service file. This record must have a Goods/VAT indicator of V and the "VAT type" field must contain a valid VAT type held on the VAT Code file in the General Supporting Files module.
: Create I Amend Master Files... ServicesEntering a New Service
Enter the code by which the service is to be identified (up to 20 characters) and select Confirm. (Select Exit at this stage to leave the program.)
Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters. Used as an abbreviated description of the product on enquiry screens and certain reports.
Long description
A longer description of up to 40 alpha-numeric characters to be printed on purchase orders and certain reports.
Unit of measure
Enter up to six alpha-numeric characters describing the unit in which the service is purchased (e.g. MILE, HOUR, PACKET). If the POMULTU NIT system key is set to MULTIPLE, select Browse to browse a list of units on the Unit file and select the required unit with the aid of the instructions on the screen. The unit of measure is printed on purchase orders and certain reports.
Enter the prefix * (e.g. *HOUR or *EACH) if the printed purchase orders are to show the value of the service line, but not the quantity or unit price.
G/L category
Enter a code of up to three characters used in the PONLACCxxx system key to identify the General Ledger account to which purchases of this service are posted. Leave this field blank to use the standard General Ledger account
VAT type
Either enter a ten character alpha-numeric VAT type for this service or select Browse to browse a list of VAT types on the Item VAT Type file and select the required VAT type with the aid of the instructions on the screen. Leave this field blank if the default VAT type given by the POVATCODE system key is to be used for this service.
The combination of the VAT type for this service and the supplier VAT type is used at purchase order invoicing to obtain the VAT code on the VAT Matrix file for posting the VAT to the correct General Ledger account
Enter G if this service code is a standard service. Enter V if this is a special VAT service line.
Standard cost
Enter the standard cost of purchasing this service.
Note: If the system key POPRICING is set to S, the price will be taken from the Suppliers Information file. If it is set to P, the price will be taken from the Price List file. If entries do not exist in these files, the price will default to the standard cost.
Buyer ID
If the Purchase Order Requisitions module is installed, enter the identification code. Or the buyer responsible for requisitioning this service.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Level of details
This field is only applicable if purchase orders are printed, i.e. if the POPRINTPO system key is set to YES. This value is defaulted into the 'Detail level' field when this service is entered in the Purchase Orders entry program. Enter one of the following values to define the level of detail that will be printed on purchase orders for this service:
Blank - The quantity, unit, price and value are all printed (unless the unit is prefixed by an asterisk, e.g. *BOX, in which case only the value is printed).
T - The quantity and unit are printed, the price is left blank and TBA is printed in the value field
V - The quantity, unit and price are left blank and only the value is printed.
N - The quantity, unit, price and value are all left blank.
Log invoice by quantity
Enter Y to log this service on the purchase invoice by quantity. Enter N to log this service on the purchase invoice by value.
GRN required
Enter Y if a Goods Received Note must be entered before the purchase invoice is entered. Enter N if a Goods Received Note need not have been received before the purchase invoice.
Last supplier code name/alpha code
Information relating to the last supplier to supply this service will be displayed for memo purposes. This information is taken from the purchase order invoice.
Product group A
Product group B
Product group C
Enter up to three ten character product groups, one or more of which can be used to group similar services together for analysis. A fuller description of each group may be printed on reports if a record for the code is set up in the Product Groups option in Inventory Control.
Supplier 1
Supplier 2
Supplier 3
Enter up to three supplier codes. If the POSSUPVAL system key is set to YES, the supplier codes entered here will be validated.
Last ledger code
If you are using a muIti-company system, the code of the last company to request this service will be displayed for memo purposes.
Last price
The last price paid for this item will be displayed for memo purposes. This is taken from the purchase invoice.
Last requirement
The last requirement date for this service will be displayed for memo purposes. This information is taken from the purchase order information upon invoicing.
EC Details
Select F13 to enter the EC details.