ISTUG – Finance Special Interest Group

Minutes of Meeting held at Sage Enterprise Solutions on 30th January 2002


Patricia Spreull (Chairman) Barbara Wood

Kevin Flannigan (Vice Chairman) Lesley Davies

Jim Wigmore (ISTUG Technical Director) Vagn Elgaard

Martyn Walmsley (Secretary) Henry Jones

Apologies from.

Jonathan Lassman (ISTUG Administrator) Henry Waters







The list of apologies is shown above.


Minutes of the previous meeting on 15/08/01


MW has now mailed out the question regarding users version numbers.


Item 4.3 – JW & JL had a meeting with Steve Bailey and expressed the concerns of the members regarding the lack of consultation. Since then SB has been removed, although Graham Wylie has effectively said that SES will discontinue supporting customers.


Item 4.5 - neither TP nor HW were present.


Development in SES Management Structure


JW - the branding of CS/3 will continue to change, to the point where the name CS/3 will be dropped and is to be replaced with Sage Line 500. No managerial appointments have been made as yet.


Breakout Session Agenda Topics


After much discussion it was decided that the group is happy with the anarchic format currently in use, however definite agenda items are necessary to provide a modicum of structure and interest. A list of potential agenda items was then proposed;

  1. Intrastats - when did they last work.
  2. Maximise the benefit of your user licenses.
  3. Euronating! (The continuing saga of the Euro).

KF agreed to write an introduction letter detailing the above, this to be included with the ISTUG agenda mail shot.

It was also agreed that agenda items for each subsequent Breakout Session should be discussed at the preceding Breakout Session.

Some further items where also proposed;

  1. Archiving issues.
  2. Payroll.
  3. Interfacing.

It was the general feeling of the group that if the Breakout Sessions gain popularity, they should become a more dominant part of the ISTUG meetings, with much more time allotted to them. Indeed, it was suggested that perhaps they could become the main business of the day, with an occasional demonstration / presentation to punctuate them.

The group agreed that in order to capitalise on the information exchanged, the discussion / solutions provided for each topic should be minuted / documented and then published in the newsletter and on the website. In order to facilitate this, each topic would need an "owner" / "sponsor" who would be responsible for producing the minutes. To aid in this, flip charts should be made available.



























Any Other Business


No other business.


Date of the Next Meeting


It was agreed the date would be the 8th May 2002 starting at 10.30 a.m. This to be held at SES.