On 1st January 2002 the Euro becomes a reality in 12 countries across Europe.

Business impact checklist - To help assess the potential impact of the EURO on your business, take a moment to work through the basic check list below.

Tick where appropriate



Do you have customers in the Euro zone?


Do you have suppliers in the Euro zone?


Do you have subsidiaries in the Euro zone?


Are you in a supply chain with a multinational?


Are you unable to make or receive payments in Euro's if asked?


Do you carry out much business in existing European Currencies?


Do you apply different prices in different Euro zone countries?


Are any of your competitors based in the Euro zone?


When introduced in 2002 will Euro notes and coins have an effect on your business?



If you ticked NO BOXES

Your score indicates that your firm has no substantial trading links with the Euro Zone and that the Euro should have no impact on your company. However should your business change you should bear the implications of the Euro in mind.

If you ticked between 1 & 3 BOXES

The introduction of the Euro on 1st January 2002 may have a limited impact on your company. You should consider taking some practical steps towards preparation if you have not already done so.

If you ticked 4 BOXES OR MORE

Euro enablement should be your number 1 priority. Your company depends on trading links in the Euro zone and the impact of the changeover will be significant to the way you do business. Immediate action is required.

WHAT NEXT? - Ensure you are Euro enabled by contacting you Reseller.

Or contact Sage Enterprise Solutions on 0845 600 5999 U.K. only, or visit