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SOP/POP Awareness Day on 15th May 2002

The day was hosted by our Distribution Special Interest Group (DSIG) and presented by Roger Fluery a Director of Channel Partner CpiO.

A very large audience were given a very thorough review of the range of software available to perform the various tasks, including some real eye openers, as is often the case with these sessions.

In addition to the base products for both SOP and POP an overview was given of the Enhanced SOP and POP products that can be obtained from SES giving some very useful additional functionality. Attention was drawn to the role of the System Manager in setting system keys and editing forms sets, to achieve a companies end user needs. Recognition was given to the difference between companies that are demand led as against those that are demand driven, and the effects this can have in the way systems may need to be set up to meet the requirement.

The relationships between Sales Orders and Purchase Orders were explored, along with the ways this data could be manipulated within both Distribution and Manufacturing industries to meet the performance requirements of those industries.

Where speed of entry or creation is a prime need, it was shown how with the aid of additional software available from all Channel Partners many shortcuts could be achieved, saving both time and increasing productivity. Reference was made to some of the front end tools available such as the former Adaptus modules, and the newer CRM tools that can capture data and feed it direct to either SOP or POP.

The relationship between SOP/POP and costs were explored, including the processes that could be used to ensure that posting to the General Ledger were properly managed. This included the whole process of Goods Receipts and the control of incorrect items that needed to be returned.

The benefits of turning on some of the additional projects were also explored, along with details of those projects most likely to be of benefit to most users. The list of associated projects for SOP/POP can be viewed online in the ISTUG Members Club, along with the associated presentation slides.

Time was spent looking at the reporting tools available in both the standard and enhanced software and what can be achieved through the standard reports, and how some of this information could be manipulated by the use of products such as DbForms to produce more acceptable output and in some cases shortcut processes.

It was also shown how improved enquiry processes could reduce or eliminate the need for many reports currently run. With products now available such as that from VI Software, it was possible to do very complex enquiries and drill downs across multiple modules all from a single start point.