F I L E M A K E R   D E V E L O P M E N T
Jul Carson is a FileMaker Solutions Alliance member in conjunction with Solutions-inc.

We are interested in working with a number of companies where database solutions would be appropriate and have experience with single user systems and multi-user environments.

We are happy to provide consultancy and assessment. We do not believe in forcing square pegs into round holes, nor is it in our interest. We will advise you on what we believe to be the best solution for your particular business.

FileMaker is a cross-platform solution. We develop primarily in a Mac environment, but test solutions on both platforms where appropriate.

Examples of the database solutions we have developed/are currently developing are listed on the right.


Job tracking, quotation & accounts system


Stock control, till sale and mail order handling system
Customer enquiries/brochure request system


Job tracking/media ordering system

Infinity Foods

Stock control, ordering, delivery and invoicing system

JEMU Joint Environmental Markets Unit

Searchable database provided on CD