The Sher System
The Sher System
Helen Sher
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I was 31, married with two children aged 6 and 2 years when I first noticed unusual facial flushing in about 1989. Initially I thought I must be using soap or a cosmetic that was having an adverse effect on my skin. Then I looked at my diet but nothing I did helped and the flushing continued but I put off going to the medical profession at the time because Fern, my two year old daughter, was unwell and I was far more concerned for her welfare than my own. It took about six months back and forth to the doctor and finally emergency hospitalisation before Fern was diagnosed with asthma and it was while she was in hospital that a nurse commented on my facial condition. “Yes” I said, “now I know what’s been wrong with Fern, I’ll get myself to the doctor.”

Although I know the condition had developed some time prior to my daughter becoming unwell, Dr. H, a female GP, would not accept the fact and was adamant that my condition was the result of being stressed due to my daughter’s illness. However, my facial flushing continued and although I returned to Dr H time and time again in the hope that she would help in some way, she did not and openly stated that she thought I was being neurotic. Finally, in desperation I told her I wanted to see a dermatologist and that I was prepared to pay. Reluctantly she complied with my request and within seven days I had an appointment with Mr. G, by reputation the top man in the area. He diagnosed rosacea and it may seem strange but how good was it just to be diagnosed!

Treatment consisted of antibiotics, steroid cream and a facial wash and when I returned to Mr. G the following month there had been a marked improvement. However, it was not to last and my new doctor (I had lost all confidence in Dr. H) continued to prescribe antibiotics. These I remained on for several years and I dread to think what the long term consequence of that will be! Whilst on antibiotics I could only describe my skin as “bearable”. Certainly not a great complexion but at least it allowed me to go about life. However, as time passed, the effectiveness of the antibiotics diminished and the condition worsened to such an extent that in 1997 my doctor referred me back to the hospital where it was suggested I undertake a course of Roaccutane. I read the information given to me by the hospital and after further research on the internet decided it was not for me. There simply had to be an alternative way to beat this BEAST!

I had by this time suffered the condition for 7 years and it was both physically and mentally affecting me to such an extent that tremendous strain was placed upon my entire family. Something just had to be done as, had it not been for my family I would probably have committed suicide. I was prepared to try anything and embarked on what was to be a long journey living is hope that the next thing I tried would provide the solution. My first port of call was homeopathic remedies but after six months or more it was apparent that it was getting me nowhere. Next I tried Chinese medicine and initially there was a remarkable improvement. For the first time in years the burning sensation I had endured subsided and my face felt cool but unfortunately it didn’t last. Next I turned to faith healing and although it helped me mentally it did nothing for my skin.

Desperation drove me back to the medical profession and my doctor decided to send me back to hospital. I found myself preparing to accept the fact that the dreaded Roaccutane might be my only hope but at the point a close friend came to my rescue and sent me a copy of an article about the SHER CLINIC which appeared in a TIMES newspaper. Having seen the clinic mentioned in a letter to the Acne Help Group News and another letter in a magazine, I decided I had nothing to lose.

I waited three months for my appointment with Helen who I saw in September 2000 but the moment I met her I could tell from her sympathetic and understanding manner that she knew exactly what I had been through. I had been desperate when I walked into her clinic but within two weeks she had given me back my life. I have used Sher products ever since and never looked back. Now, when I look in the mirror I think…..Rosacea? What rosacea!

I was determined to let Mr. G, the dermatologist, know just how successful Sher products had been in the naïve belief that he would be grateful to me for passing on such valuable information which could help prevent others from suffering as I had. He did no more than unenthusiastically mutter, “It’s nice while it lasts”. So we must face the fact that it will be a very long time before the medical profession start to think outside their box. Nice while it lasts indeed. Well Mr. G it has lasted as long as the course of antibiotics and been more successful.