Water is an element whose qualities have entranced and inspired
cultures for millennia. Water has a tranquillity that enhances our lives
- we cannot live without it!
We know you've heard it before - but
the Sher System works differently - its
a question of balance
Water for healthy skin:
Water not only stimulates circulation, but
also regulates and controls the natural balance of the skin.
Warm water will revitalise, hydrate, oxygenate and detoxify the
skin. It also helps to eliminate large pores and blackheads,
making you feel both invigorated and relaxed, while replacing
the essential moisture we lose daily.
Don't take risks with your face... it's your most precious possession
Water for youth:
The Sher System is based on the premise that
water is the most important catalyst in keeping skin youthful,
clear and firm. Developed by mother and daughter, Helen and Glenda
Sher, it is quite simply the most effective treatment available
for acne, without using antibiotics. The system is revolutionising
skincare throughout the world. All Sher System formulations interact
uniquely to a regular, uncomplicated daily routine to cleanse,
balance and protect the skin. The system does not cover up skin
problems, it eliminates them. A key factor of The Sher System
is the combination of the technique and the formulations working
in harmony to control the natural functions of the skin.
If you suffer with acne, you could be using
the wrong products.