Spa Insurance Services, Buxton, Derbyshire
About Us
Business Insurance
Home Insurance
Travel Insurance
Motor Insurance

Please complete all the details required below

Personal Details


House Number/Name


Daytime Telephone Number

Evening Telephone Number

e-mail Address

Vehicle Details



Year and Reg Letter

Engine Size (cc)

Fuel Type


Number of seats

Any Modifications

Yes No

Please give details of any Modifications

Cover Details

Cover Type



How many years no claims?

Do you require protected no claims?

Yes No

Company Car Experience - Years claim free

Do you require a voluntary excess?

Company Car Experience - Finished

Did/Does this include private use?

Yes No

Where is the vehicle kept overnight?

Private Mileage

Business Mileage

Who is the owner/registered keeper of the vehicle?

Driver Details - Main Driver



Male Female

Date of Birth

Marital Status

Type of Licence Held

Licence Date

Do you have access to any other vehicle in the household?

Yes No

How long have you resided in the UK?

Have you completed or considered taking the passplus course?

Yes No

Are you a home owner?

Yes No

Have you ever been refused insurance?

Yes No


Have you been involved in any accidents or suffered any claims/losses in the past five years?

Yes No

Please give details of any claims, specifying the date, a brief description of what happened, if you were to blame, if your no claims bonus was affected and an approximate amount of the claim.

Any Driving convictions / endorsements?

Yes No
Enter details of convictions/endorsements. Give dates, Licence endorsement code and number
of points. Please State if you were disqualified.

Any medical conditions or disabilities?

Yes No
Give brief details of the condition(s) that may affect your driving

Policy Renewal Date

What is your best quote to date?

Which insurance company quoted this?

Preferred Contact Method

Enquiry Source

(if other source please state)

Please use the space below to give us any further information.

If you require more than one driver to be insured, please provide the additional driver details below before submitting this form

Driver Details - Spouse/First Driver



Male Female

Date of Birth

Marital Status

Type of Licence Held

Licence Date

Do you have access to any other vehicle in the household?

Yes No

How long have you resided in the UK?

Have you completed or considered taking the passplus course?

Yes No

Are you a home owner?

Yes No

Have you ever been refused insurance?

Yes No


Have you been involved in any accidents or suffered any claims/losses in the past five years?

Yes No

Please give details of any claims, specifying the date, a brief description of what happened, if you were to blame, if your no claims bonus was affected and an approximate amount of the claim.

Any Driving convictions / endorsements?

Yes No
Enter details of convictions/endorsements. Give dates, Licence endorsement code and number
of points. Please State if you were disqualified.

Any medical conditions or disabilities?

Yes No
Give brief details of the condition(s) that may affect your driving

Driver Details - Second Driver



Male Female

Date of Birth

Marital Status

Type of Licence Held

Licence Date

Do you have access to any other vehicle in the household?

Yes No

How long have you resided in the UK?

Have you completed or considered taking the passplus course?

Yes No

Are you a home owner?

Yes No

Have you ever been refused insurance?

Yes No


Have you been involved in any accidents or suffered any claims/losses in the past five years?

Yes No

Please give details of any claims, specifying the date, a brief description of what happened, if you were to blame, if your no claims bonus was affected and an approximate amount of the claim.

Any Driving convictions / endorsements?

Yes No
Enter details of convictions/endorsements. Give dates, Licence endorsement code and number
of points. Please State if you were disqualified.

Any medical conditions or disabilities?

Yes No
Give brief details of the condition(s) that may affect your driving

Driver Details - Third Driver



Male Female

Date of Birth

Marital Status

Type of Licence Held

Licence Date

Do you have access to any other vehicle in the household?

Yes No

How long have you resided in the UK?

Have you completed or considered taking the passplus course?

Yes No

Are you a home owner?

Yes No

Have you ever been refused insurance?

Yes No


Have you been involved in any accidents or suffered any claims/losses in the past five years?

Yes No

Please give details of any claims, specifying the date, a brief description of what happened, if you were to blame, if your no claims bonus was affected and an approximate amount of the claim.

Any Driving convictions / endorsements?

Yes No
Enter details of convictions/endorsements. Give dates, Licence endorsement code and number
of points. Please State if you were disqualified.

Any medical conditions or disabilities?

Yes No
Give brief details of the condition(s) that may affect your driving


Call us now on 01298 78944

Spa Insurance Services Ltd is Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
FSA Reference number is 450429

© Copyright Spa Insurance Services 2003 - 2004