Root Cause Healing™
Root Cause Healing™ is a powerful healing system designed to track down and facilitate the healing of the origins of your physical, emotional or mental issue or problem, over a relatively small period of time. In-so-doing, emotional issues can vanish, and physical issues - if not healed in the process - can do so much more effectively using existing complementary or conventional methods.Here are some areas it works well with:
- stress, fears and anxiety
- stubborn or chronic physical issues
- relationship challenges
- emotional and mental issues
- spiritual growth
- life purpose
- trauma
- cancer
- powerful alternative to traditional talk therapies
- sports and performance psychology
- blocks to abundance
- blocks to manifesting goals
- pre-conception and labour fears
Now, more than ever before, the link between the mind, the body, emotions and beliefs is becoming more accepted, in particular with the arrival of such books as "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton Phd and "Molecules of Emotion" by Dr Candice Pert. The former reveals biologically how DNA within our cells are controlled by our perception. Perception itself is the net combination of an individual's belief system, and the belief system comes into being from the sum total of an individual's experiences, and - very often - those of parents and grandparents.
Root Cause Healing™ (RCH) uses Psycho-kinesiology (PK) (a form of muscle testing) to track down the specific points in your past where limiting beliefs - directly pertinent to your issue - have been created. Once found, PK is used to find how we are to release those beliefs, or balance the body, out of a large choice to include EFT, NLP, Quantum Touch and Scenar. In releasing these, the true causes are healed and the body re-balances itself. It is then mobilised and resourceful in resolving the original issue or condition. In the case of emotional conditions, there is often a noticeable change of perception in the session.
Sometimes, PK will refer you - usually after causal elements have been healed - to an external therapist or treatment method, such as nutritional medicine, life coaching, massage, physiotherapy or homeopathy , most of which are available in-house. With causal elements out of the way, you can expect your body to be much more responsive to any form of treatment - conventional or complementary.
For an in-depth description of how Root Cause Healing™ is used in the treatment of physical issues, and how emotional and mental causal factors do fundamentally affect the physical body, read the article:
The Role of Root Cause Healing™ in the Treatment of Physical Dis-EaseFor other details about RCH, and what it can be used for, see