<% dim rst, strSQL, Txt, cnt, Colour, imgHeight, imgWidth 'Create the Recordset object set Rst = server.CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT ChildProfile.* FROM ChildProfile where ChildProfileID=" & Request.QueryString ("ChildProfileID") rst.open strsql,conn imgHeight=120 imgWidth=150 If rst.EOF = false then 'noOfRecords = rst.RecordCount rst.MoveFirst End if %> <% = Session("title")%> /styles/pfc.css" type="text/css" />
Carers Carers
<% if rst.Fields ("Image") <> "" then %> <% else %> <% end if %>
<% Response.Write(rst.Fields ("Forename") & " " & rst.Fields ("Surname")) & " - Dob:" & rst.Fields ("DateOfBirth") %>
Press Image" width="<% = imgWidth %>" />

<%Response.Write(left(rst.Fields ("Description"),300))%>

<% Response.Write(rst.Fields ("Description")) %>
If you would like to hear more, please contact:
Bridget Betts
Parents for Children
Club Union House
253-254 Upper Street
London N1 1RY
020 7288 4322
Charity Registration No. 280259.
Print Carer Profile