<% dim ObjRs, strSQL, Txt, cnt, Colour, strWord, strPDF, strWordPath, strPDFPath 'Create the Recordset object set ObjRs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Open the connection to the database 'Conn.Open strCon strSQL ="SELECT Title,Description,WordDocument,PDFDocument from downloads where Active=-1" ObjRs.open strSQL,conn,3,1 'Response.Write("Total Records : " & objRs.Recordcount) 'Response.End() %>
Why your help is needed
<% cnt=1 Do while objRs.EOF = false If cnt Mod 2 = 1 then colour = Colour1 else colour = Colour2 end if strWord ="" if len(objRs.Fields("WordDocument")) > 0 then strWord = ("Files/" + objRs.Fields("WordDocument")) end if if len(objRs.Fields("PDFDocument")) > 0 then strPDF = ("Files/" + objRs.Fields("PDFDocument")) end if strPDFPath = "../images/pdf_doc.gif" strWordPath = "../images/word_doc.gif" Txt="" Txt = "" + objRs.Fields("Title") + "" Txt = Txt & "
" & objRs.Fields("Description") if len(trim(objRs.Fields("WordDocument"))) > 0 and len(trim(objRs.Fields("PDFDocument"))) > 0 then 'Response.Write("1") 'Response.End() Response.Write("") Response.Write("") elseif len(trim(objRs.Fields("WordDocument"))) > 0 then 'Response.Write("2") 'Response.End() Response.Write("") Response.Write("") elseif len(trim(objRs.Fields("PDFDocument"))) > 0 then 'Response.Write("3") 'Response.End() Response.Write("") Response.Write("") else 'Response.Write("4") 'Response.End() Response.Write("") end if objRs.MoveNext cnt = cnt + 1 Loop %>
Below are the downloadable documents available at this time.

") Response.Write("
" + trim(Txt) + "
" + trim(Txt) + "
" + trim(Txt) + "
" + trim(Txt) + "
Key :
Word Document
Adobe Acrobat Document

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Adobe Acrobat
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<% objRs.Close %>