'Pure-ASP upload v. 2.06 (with progress bar)
'This software is a FreeWare with limitted use.
'1. You can use this software to upload files with size up to 10MB for free
' if you want to upload bigger files, please register ScriptUtilities and Huge-ASP upload
' See license info at http://www.motobit.com/help/scptutl/upload.asp
'2. I'll be glad if you include Pure ASP file upload
' or similar text link to http://www.motobit.com on the web site using Pure-ASP upload.
'Feel free to send comments/suggestions to help@pstruh.cz
'Const adTypeBinary = 1
'Const adTypeText = 2
Const xfsCompleted = &H0 '0 Form was successfully processed.
Const xfsNotPost = &H1 '1 Request method is NOT post
Const xfsZeroLength = &H2 '2 Zero length request (there are no data in a source form)
Const xfsInProgress = &H3 '3 Form is in a middle of process.
Const xfsNone = &H5 '5 Initial form state
Const xfsError = &HA '10
Const xfsNoBoundary = &HB '11 Boundary of multipart/form-data is not specified.
Const xfsUnknownType = &HC '12 Unknown source form (Content-type must be multipart/form-data)
Const xfsSizeLimit = &HD '13 Form size exceeds allowed limit (ScriptUtils.ASPForm.SizeLimit)
Const xfsTimeOut = &HE '14 Upload time exceeds allowed limit (ScriptUtils.ASPForm.ReadTimeout)
Const xfsNoConnected = &HF '15 Client was disconnected before upload was completted.
Const xfsErrorBinaryRead = &H10 '16 Unexpected error from Request.BinaryRead method (ASP error).
'This class emulates ASPForm Class of Huge-ASP upload, http://upload.Motobit.cz
'See ScriptUtilities and Huge-ASP file upload help (ScptUtl.chm)
Class ASPForm
Private m_ReadTime
Public ChunkReadSize, BytesRead, TotalBytes, UploadID
'non-used properties.
Public TempPath, MaxMemoryStorage, CharSet, FormType, SourceData, ReadTimeout
public Default Property Get Item(Key)
Set Item = m_Items.Item(Key)
End Property
public Property Get Items
Set Items = m_Items
End Property
public Property Get Files
Set Files = m_Items.Files
End Property
public Property Get Texts
Set Texts = m_Items.Texts
End Property
public Property Get NewUploadID
NewUploadID = clng(rnd * &H7FFFFFFF)
End Property
Public Property Get ReadTime
if isempty(m_ReadTime) then
if not isempty(StartUploadTime) then ReadTime = Clng((Now() - StartUploadTime) * 86400 * 1000)
else ' For progress window.
ReadTime = m_ReadTime
end if
End Property
Public Property Get State
if m_State = xfsNone Then Read
State = m_State
End Property
Private Function CheckRequestProperties
'Wscript.Echo "**CheckRequestProperties"
If UCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")) <> "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST"
m_State = xfsNotPost
Exit Function
End If 'If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
Dim CT
CT = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type") 'reads Content-Type header
if len(CT) = 0 then CT = Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_TYPE") 'reads Content-Type header UNIX/Linux
If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) <> "multipart/form-data" Then 'Content-Type header must be "multipart/form-data"
m_State = xfsUnknownType
Exit Function
End If 'If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) <> "multipart/form-data" Then
Dim PosB 'help position variable
'This is upload request.
'Get the boundary and length from Content-Type header
PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") 'Finds boundary
If PosB = 0 Then
m_State = xfsNoBoundary
Exit Function
End If 'If PosB = 0 Then
If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Mid(CT, PosB + 9) 'Separetes boundary
'****** Error of IE5.01 - doubbles http header
PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=")
If PosB > 0 then 'Patch for the IE error
PosB = InStr(Boundary, ",")
If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Left(Boundary, PosB - 1)
end if
'****** Error of IE5.01 - doubbles http header
On Error Resume next
TotalBytes = Request.TotalBytes
If Err<>0 Then
'For UNIX/Linux
TotalBytes = CLng(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Length")) 'Get Content-Length header
if len(TotalBytes)=0 then TotalBytes = CLng(Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH")) 'Get Content-Length header
End If
If TotalBytes = 0 then
m_State = xfsZeroLength
Exit Function
End If
If IsInSizeLimit(TotalBytes) Then 'Form data are in allowed limit
CheckRequestProperties = True
m_State = xfsInProgress
Else 'Form data are in allowed limit
'Form data exceeds the limit.
m_State = xfsSizeLimit
End if 'Form data are in allowed limit
End Function
'reads source data using BinaryRead and store them in SourceData stream
Public Sub Read()
if m_State <> xfsNone Then Exit Sub
'Wscript.Echo "**Read"
If Not CheckRequestProperties Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Initialize binary store stream
if isempty(bSourceData) then Set bSourceData = createobject("ADODB.Stream")
bSourceData.Type = 1 'Binary
'Initialize Read variables.
Dim DataPart, PartSize
BytesRead = 0
StartUploadTime = Now
'read source data stream in chunks of ChunkReadSize
Do While BytesRead < TotalBytes
'Read chunk of data
PartSize = ChunkReadSize
if PartSize + BytesRead > TotalBytes Then PartSize = TotalBytes - BytesRead
DataPart = Request.BinaryRead(PartSize)
BytesRead = BytesRead + PartSize
'Wscript.Echo PartSize
'Store the part size in our stream
bSourceData.Write DataPart
'Write progress info for secondary window.
'Check if the client is still connected
If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then
m_State = xfsNoConnected
Exit Sub
End If
m_State = xfsCompleted
'We have all source data in bSourceData stream
End Sub
Private Sub ParseFormData
Dim Binary
bSourceData.Position = 0
Binary = bSourceData.Read
'wscript.echo "Binary", LenB(Binary)
m_Items.mpSeparateFields Binary, Boundary
End Sub
'This function reads progress info data from a temporary file.
Public Function getForm(FormID)
if isempty(ProgressFile.UploadID) Then 'Was UploadID of ProgressFile set?
ProgressFile.UploadID = FormID
End If
'Get progress data
Dim ProgressData
ProgressData = ProgressFile
if len(ProgressData) > 0 then 'There are some progress data
if ProgressData = "DONE" Then 'Upload was done.
Err.Raise 1, "getForm", "Upload was done"
Else ' if ProgressData = "DONE" Then 'Upload was done.
'm_State & vbCrLf & TotalBytes & vbCrLf & BytesRead & vbCrLf & ReadTime
ProgressData = Split (ProgressData, vbCrLf)
if ubound(ProgressData) = 3 Then
m_State = clng(ProgressData(0))
TotalBytes = clng(ProgressData(1))
BytesRead = clng(ProgressData(2))
m_ReadTime = clng(ProgressData(3))
End If'if ubound(ProgressData) = 3 Then
End If'if ProgressData = "DONE" Then 'Upload was done.
end if'if len(ProgressData) > 0 then 'There are some progress data
Set getForm = Me
End Function
'This function writes progress info data to a temporary file.
Private Sub WriteProgressInfo
If UploadID > 0 Then ' Is the upload ID defined? (Upload is using progress)
if isempty(ProgressFile.UploadID) Then 'Was UploadID of ProgressFile set?
ProgressFile.UploadID = UploadID
End If
Dim ProgressData, FileName
ProgressData = m_State & vbCrLf & TotalBytes & vbCrLf & BytesRead & vbCrLf & ReadTime
ProgressFile.Contents = ProgressData
End If
End Sub
'ASPForm Constructor
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ChunkReadSize = &H10000 '64 kB
SizeLimit = &H100000 '1MB
BytesRead = 0
m_State = xfsNone
TotalBytes = Request.TotalBytes
Set ProgressFile = New cProgressFile
Set m_Items = New cFormFields
End Sub
'ASPForm Destructor
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If UploadID > 0 Then ' Is the upload ID defined? (Upload is using progress)
'We have to close info about upload.
ProgressFile.Contents = "DONE"
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsInSizeLimit(TotalBytes)
IsInSizeLimit = (m_SizeLimit = 0 or m_SizeLimit > TotalBytes) and (MaxLicensedLimit > TotalBytes)
End Function
Public Property Get SizeLimit
SizeLimit = m_SizeLimit
End Property
'Pure - ASP upload is a free script, but with 10MB upload limit
' if you want to upload bigger files, please register ScriptUtilities and Huge-ASP upload
' at http://www.motobit.com/help/scptutl/lc2.htm
Public Property Let SizeLimit(NewLimit)
if NewLimit > MaxLicensedLimit Then
Err.Raise 1, "ASPForm - SizeLimit", "This version of Pure-ASP upload is licensed with maximum limit of 10MB (" & MaxLicensedLimit & "B)"
m_SizeLimit = MaxLicensedLimit
m_SizeLimit = NewLimit
end if
End Property
Public Boundary
Private m_Items
Private m_State
Private m_SizeLimit 'Defined form size limit.
Private bSourceData 'ADODB.Stream
Private StartUploadTime , TempFiolder
Private ProgressFile 'File with info about current progress
End Class 'ASPForm
Const MaxLicensedLimit = &HA00000
'Emulates ScriptUtilities FormFields object
'We must have such class because of multiselect fields.
'See http://www.motobit.com
Class cFormFields
Dim m_Keys()
Dim m_Items()
Dim m_Count
Public Default Property Get Item(ByVal Key)
If vartype(Key) = vbInteger or vartype(Key) = vbLong then
'Numeric index
if Key<1 or Key>m_Count Then Err.raise "Index out of bounds"
Set Item = m_Items(Key-1)
Exit Property
end if
'wscript.echo "**Item", Key
Dim Count
Count = ItemCount(Key)
Key = LCase(Key)
If Count > 0 then
If Count>1 Then
'More items
'Get them All as an cFormFields
Dim OutItem, ItemCounter
Set OutItem = New cFormFields
ItemCounter = 0
For ItemCounter = 0 To Ubound(m_Keys)
If LCase(m_Keys(ItemCounter)) = Key then OutItem.Add Key, m_Items(ItemCounter)
Set Item = OutItem
'wscript.echo "***Item-More", Key
For ItemCounter = 0 To Ubound(m_Keys)
If LCase(m_Keys(ItemCounter)) = Key then exit for
if isobject (m_Items(ItemCounter)) then
Set Item = m_Items(ItemCounter)
Item = m_Items(ItemCounter)
end if
'wscript.echo "***Item-One", Key
End If
Else'No item
Set Item = New cFormField
End if
End Property
Public Property Get MultiItem(ByVal Key)
'returns an array of items with the same Key
Dim Out: Set Out = New cFormFields
Dim I, vItem
Dim Count
Count = ItemCount(Key)
if Count = 1 then
'one key - get it from Item
Out.Add Key, Item(Key)
elseif Count > 1 then
'more keys - enumerate them using Items
For Each I In Item(Key).Items
Out.Add Key, I
End If
Set MultiItem = Out
End Property
'For multiitem (I'm sorry, VBS does not support optional parameters for Item property)
Public Property Get Value
Dim I, V
For Each I in m_Items
V = V & ", " & I
V = Mid(V, 3)
Value = V
End Property
Public Property Get xA_NewEnum
Set xA_NewEnum = m_Items
End Property
Public Property Get Items()
'Wscript.Echo "**cFormFields-Items"
Items = m_Items
End Property
Public Property Get Keys()
Keys = m_Keys
End Property
public Property Get Files
Dim cItem, OutItem, ItemCounter
Set OutItem = New cFormFields
ItemCounter = 0
if m_Count > 0 then ' Enumerate only non-empty form
For ItemCounter = 0 To Ubound(m_Keys)
Set cItem = m_Items(ItemCounter)
if cItem.IsFile then
OutItem.Add m_Keys(ItemCounter), m_Items(ItemCounter)
end if
End If
Set Files = OutItem
End Property
Public Property Get Texts
Dim cItem, OutItem, ItemCounter
Set OutItem = New cFormFields
ItemCounter = 0
For ItemCounter = 0 To Ubound(m_Keys)
Set cItem = m_Items(ItemCounter)
if Not cItem.IsFile then
OutItem.Add m_Keys(ItemCounter), m_Items(ItemCounter)
end if
Set Texts = OutItem
End Property
Public Sub Save(Path)
Dim Item
For Each Item In m_Items
If Item.isFile Then
Item.Save Path
End If
End Sub
'Count of dictionary items within specified key
Public Property Get ItemCount(ByVal Key)
'wscript.echo "ItemCount"
Dim cKey, Counter
Counter = 0
Key = LCase(Key)
For Each cKey In m_Keys
'wscript.echo "ItemCount", "cKey"
If LCase(cKey) = Key then Counter = Counter + 1
ItemCount = Counter
End Property
'Count of all dictionary items
Public Property Get Count()
Count = m_Count
End Property
Public Sub Add(byval Key, Item)
Key = "" & Key
ReDim Preserve m_Items(m_Count)
ReDim Preserve m_Keys(m_Count)
m_Keys(m_Count) = Key
Set m_Items(m_Count) = Item
m_Count = m_Count + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim vHelp()
' I do not know why, but some of VBS verrsions declares m_Items and m_Keys as Empty,
' not as Variant() - see class variables.
' vHelp eliminates this problem. V. 2.03, 2.04
On Error Resume Next
m_Items = vHelp
m_Keys = vHelp
m_Count = 0
End Sub
'********************************** mpSeparateFields **********************************
'This method retrieves the upload fields from binary data
'Binary is safearray ( VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY ) of all multipart document raw binary data from input.
Public Sub mpSeparateFields(Binary, ByVal Boundary)
Dim PosOpenBoundary, PosCloseBoundary, PosEndOfHeader, isLastBoundary
Boundary = "--" & Boundary
Boundary = StringToBinary(Boundary)
PosOpenBoundary = InStrB(Binary, Boundary)
PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary, 0)
Do While (PosOpenBoundary > 0 And PosCloseBoundary > 0 And Not isLastBoundary)
'Header and file/source field data
Dim HeaderContent, bFieldContent
'Header fields
Dim Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type
'Helping variables
Dim TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary
'Get end of header
PosEndOfHeader = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + Len(Boundary), Binary, StringToBinary(vbCrLf + vbCrLf))
'Separates field header
HeaderContent = MidB(Binary, PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary) + 2, PosEndOfHeader - PosOpenBoundary - LenB(Boundary) - 2)
'Separates field content
bFieldContent = MidB(Binary, (PosEndOfHeader + 4), PosCloseBoundary - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2)
'Separates header fields from header
GetHeadFields BinaryToString(HeaderContent), FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Disposition, Content_Type
'Create one field and assign parameters
Dim Field 'All field values.
Set Field = New cFormField
Field.ByteArray = MultiByteToBinary(bFieldContent)
Field.Name = FormFieldName
Field.ContentDisposition = Content_Disposition
if not isempty(SourceFileName) then
Field.FilePath = SourceFileName
Field.FileName = GetFileName(SourceFileName)
Field.FileExt = GetFileExt(SourceFileName)
else'if not isempty(SourceFileName) then
End If'if not isempty(SourceFileName) then
Field.ContentType = Content_Type
Add FormFieldName, Field
'Is this last boundary ?
TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, PosCloseBoundary + LenB(Boundary), 2))
isLastBoundary = TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = "--"
If Not isLastBoundary Then 'This is not last boundary - go to next form field.
PosOpenBoundary = PosCloseBoundary
PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary)
End If
End Sub
End Class 'cFormFields
'This class transfers data between primary (upload) and secondary (progress) window.
Class cProgressFile
Private fs
Public TempFolder
Public m_UploadID
Public TempFileName
Public Default Property Get Contents()
Contents = GetFile(TempFileName)
End Property
Public Property Let Contents(inContents)
WriteFile TempFileName, inContents
End Property
Public Sub Done 'Delete temporary file when upload was done.
FS.DeleteFile TempFileName
End Sub
Public Property Get UploadID()
UploadID = m_UploadID
End Property
Public Property Let UploadID(inUploadID)
if isempty(FS) then Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
TempFolder = fs.GetSpecialFolder(2)
m_UploadID = inUploadID
TempFileName = TempFolder & "\pu" & m_UploadID & ".~tmp"
Dim DateLastModified
on error resume next
DateLastModified = fs.GetFile(TempFileName).DateLastModified
on error goto 0
if isempty(DateLastModified) then 'OK
elseif Now-DateLastModified>1 Then 'I think upload duration will be less than one day
FS.DeleteFile TempFileName
end if
End Property
Private Function GetFile(Byref FileName)
Dim InStream
On Error Resume Next
Set InStream = fs.OpenTextFile(FileName, 1)
GetFile = InStream.ReadAll
On Error Goto 0
End Function
Private Function WriteFile(Byref FileName, Byref Contents)
'wscript.echo "WriteFile", FileName, Contents
Dim OutStream
On Error Resume Next
Set OutStream = fs.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True)
OutStream.Write Contents
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
End Class 'cProgressFile
'Emulates ScriptUtilities FormField object
'See http://www.motobit.com
Class cFormField
'Used properties
Public ContentDisposition, ContentType, FileName, FilePath, FileExt, Name
Public ByteArray
'non-used properties.
Public CharSet, HexString, InProgress, SourceLength, RAWHeader, Index, ContentTransferEncoding
Public Default Property Get String()
'wscript.echo "**Field-String", Name, LenB(ByteArray)
String = BinaryToString(ByteArray)
End Property
Public Property Get IsFile()
IsFile = not isempty(FileName)
End Property
Public Property Get Length()
Length = LenB(ByteArray)
End Property
Public Property Get Value()
Set Value = Me
End Property
Public Sub Save(Path)
'2.06 - and len(FileName)>0
if IsFile and len(FileName)>0 Then
Dim fullFileName
fullFileName = Path & "\" & FileName
SaveAs fullFileName
'response.write "
" & typename(Name)
'Err.Raise 1, "Text field " & Name & " does not have a file name"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SaveAs(newFileName)
'2.06 - removed if len(ByteArray)>0 then
SaveBinaryData newFileName, ByteArray
End Sub
End Class
Function StringToBinary(String)
Dim I, B
For I=1 to len(String)
B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1)))
StringToBinary = B
End Function
Function BinaryToString(Binary)
'2001 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software
'Optimized version of PureASP conversion function
'Selects the best algorithm to convert binary data to String data
Dim TempString
On Error Resume Next
'Recordset conversion has a best functionality
TempString = RSBinaryToString(Binary)
If Len(TempString) <> LenB(Binary) then'Conversion error
'We have to use multibyte version of BinaryToString
TempString = MBBinaryToString(Binary)
end if
BinaryToString = TempString
End Function
Function MBBinaryToString(Binary)
'1999 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software
'MultiByte version of BinaryToString function
'Optimized version of simple BinaryToString algorithm.
dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
Dim L', nullchar
cl1 = 1
cl2 = 1
cl3 = 1
L = LenB(Binary)
Do While cl1<=L
pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
cl1 = cl1 + 1
cl3 = cl3 + 1
if cl3>300 then
pl2 = pl2 & pl3
pl3 = ""
cl3 = 1
cl2 = cl2 + 1
if cl2>200 then
pl1 = pl1 & pl2
pl2 = ""
cl2 = 1
End If
End If
MBBinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
End Function
Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
'1999 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software
'This function converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY or MultiByte string)
'to string (BSTR) using ADO recordset
'The fastest way - requires ADODB.Recordset
'Use this function instead of MBBinaryToString if you have ADODB.Recordset installed
'to eliminate problem with PureASP performance
Dim Binary
'MultiByte data must be converted to VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
if vartype(xBinary) = 8 then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) else Binary = xBinary
Dim RS, LBinary
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LBinary = LenB(Binary)
if LBinary>0 then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary
RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
RSBinaryToString = ""
End If
End Function
Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
' This function converts multibyte string to real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
' Using recordset
Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
if LMultiByte>0 then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
End If
MultiByteToBinary = Binary
End Function
'************** Upload Utilities
'Separates header fields from upload header
Function GetHeadFields(ByVal Head, Name, FileName, Content_Disposition, Content_Type)
'Get name of the field. Name is separated by name= and ;
Name = (SeparateField(Head, "name=", ";")) 'ltrim
'Remove quotes (if the field name is quoted)
If Left(Name, 1) = """" Then Name = Mid(Name, 2, Len(Name) - 2)
'Same for source filename
FileName = (SeparateField(Head, "filename=", ";")) 'ltrim
If Left(FileName, 1) = """" Then FileName = Mid(FileName, 2, Len(FileName) - 2)
'Separate content-disposition and content-type header fields
Content_Disposition = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-disposition:", ";"))
Content_Type = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-type:", ";"))
End Function
'Separates one field between sStart and sEnd
Function SeparateField(From, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)
Dim PosB, PosE, sFrom
sFrom = LCase(From)
PosB = InStr(sFrom, sStart)
If PosB > 0 Then
PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)
PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1
SeparateField = Mid(From, PosB, PosE - PosB)
SeparateField = Empty
End If
End Function
Function SplitFileName(FullPath)
Dim Pos, PosF
PosF = 0
For Pos = Len(FullPath) To 1 Step -1
Select Case Mid(FullPath, Pos, 1)
Case ":", "/", "\": PosF = Pos + 1: Pos = 0
End Select
If PosF = 0 Then PosF = 1
SplitFileName = PosF
End Function
Function GetPath(FullPath)
GetPath = left(FullPath, SplitFileName(FullPath)-1)
End Function
'Separetes file name from the full path of file
Function GetFileName(FullPath)
GetFileName = Mid(FullPath, SplitFileName(FullPath))
End Function
'Separetes file name from the full path of file
Function GetFileExt(FullPath)
Dim Pos: Pos = InStrRev(FullPath,".")
if Pos>0 then GetFileExt = Mid(FullPath, Pos)
End Function
Function RecurseMKDir(ByVal Path)
Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Path = Replace(Path, "/", "\")
If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path & "\" '"
Dim Pos, n
Pos = 0: n = 0
Pos = InStr(Pos + 1, Path, "\") '"
Do While Pos > 0
On Error Resume Next
FS.CreateFolder Left(Path, Pos - 1)
If Err = 0 Then n = n + 1
Pos = InStr(Pos + 1, Path, "\") '"
RecurseMKDir = n
End Function
Function SaveBinaryData(FileName, ByteArray)
SaveBinaryData = SaveBinaryDataStream(FileName, ByteArray)
End Function
Function SaveBinaryDataTextStream(FileName, ByteArray)
Dim FS : Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On error Resume next
Dim TextStream
Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName)
if Err = &H4c then 'Path not found.
On error Goto 0
RecurseMKDir GetPath(FileName)
On error Resume next
Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName)
end if
TextStream.Write BinaryToString(ByteArray) 'BinaryToString is in upload.inc.
Dim ErrMessage, ErrNumber
ErrMessage = Err.Description
ErrNumber = Err
On Error Goto 0
if ErrNumber<>0 then Err.Raise ErrNumber, "SaveBinaryData", FileName & ":" & ErrMessage
End Function
Function SaveBinaryDataStream(FileName, ByteArray)
Dim BinaryStream
Set BinaryStream = createobject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = 1 'Binary
'2.06 - zero byte file is legal
if lenb(ByteArray)>0 then BinaryStream.Write ByteArray
On error Resume next
BinaryStream.SaveToFile FileName, 2 'Overwrite
if Err = &Hbbc then 'Path not found.
On error Goto 0
RecurseMKDir GetPath(FileName)
On error Resume next
BinaryStream.SaveToFile FileName, 2 'Overwrite
end if
Dim ErrMessage, ErrNumber
ErrMessage = Err.Description
ErrNumber = Err
On Error Goto 0
if ErrNumber<>0 then Err.Raise ErrNumber, "SaveBinaryData", FileName & ":" & ErrMessage
End Function
'************** Upload Utilities - end
'Emulates response object
Class cResponse
Public Property Get IsClientConnected
IsClientConnected = cbool(clng(rnd * 4))
IsClientConnected = True
End Property
End Class
Class cRequest
Private Readed
Private BinaryStream
public function ServerVariables(Name)
select case UCase(Name)
ServerVariables = "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d21960404e2"
ServerVariables = "" & TotalBytes
ServerVariables = "POST"
End Select
End Function
public function BinaryRead(ByRef Bytes)
If Bytes<=0 then Exit Function
if Readed + Bytes > TotalBytes Then Bytes = TotalBytes - Readed
BinaryRead = BinaryStream.Read(Bytes)
End Function
Public Property Get TotalBytes
TotalBytes = BinaryStream.Size
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set BinaryStream = createobject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = 1 'Binary
BinaryStream.LoadFromFile "F:\InetPub\Motobit\pureupload\2.txt"
BinaryStream.Position = 0
Readed = 0
End Sub
end Class