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Investment Page 2


The property is situated at Welshpool in mid Wales. Welshpool is a regional market town with a population of some 10,000 persons and located some 17 miles west of Shrewsbury and the West Midlands motorway network and 51 miles south of Wrexham with its fast links to the south and north.

We are informed that the original building was built in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s by the WDA specifically for Floform. A further production area  was built in the 1980’s to a similar specification to the original units and has an internal eaves height of 18 feet. The property occupies a site of some 5.53 acres and comprises an approximate gross internal area of 106,286 sq ft.

The property is let to Floform Limited on a full repairing and insuring lease for a term of 20 years from 6th July 2000 expiring on the 5th July 2020. The current rent passing is £192,000 pa which equates to £1.78 psf. The rent is subject to 5 yearly upwards only rent reviews which are to the higher of open market rental value or the increase in the retail price index.

The most recent figures for the 14 month period ending on the 31st December 2001 indicate a turnover of £12.9m, pretax profits £1.378m and shareholders funds of £6.745m.

Tenure : Freehold. Price : We are instructed to seek offers in the region of £2,185,000 subject to contract and exclusive of VAT. Net initial yield 8.3% approx assuming costs at 5.75%.

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