Care Quality Commission & Primary Care

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 requires that from 1st October 2010 all providers of independent healthcare are registered with the Care Quality Commission. Those that were previously registered under the Care Standards Act 2000 will need to re-register as registration is not transferrable.

Registration requires providers to demonstrate that they meet the essential standards of quality and safety across all the regulated services they provide. Registration is mandatory for providers of regulated activities and, in effect, it is a license to operate. The process isn’t just about the registration, as the CQC will continue to monitor whether providers are complying with the essential standards of quality and safety.

The  previous regulations (Care Standards Act 2000) focused on systems, policies and processes that providers followed, whilst the new regulations focus on outcomes. Whilst the focus is different, in order to demonstrate that outcomes are delivered to the required standard and monitored regularly, providers will still need to have appropriate documentation in place as evidence.

Whether you are an existing provider that is re-registering, or new to this market, SFM Consulting can guide you and your team through the process and assess what is needed to demonstrate you meet the essential standards of quality and safety across all your regulated services.


All primary dental providers, that provide regulated activities (eg   treatment of disease, disorder or injury; surgical procedures; diagnostic and screening procedures) are required to be registered from April 2011, and registration applications open on 1st October 2010.

SFM Consulting can provide the following:

  • Explanation about the compliance with the Essential standards of quality and safety, Regulations, the outcomes and the judgement framework
  • What practice teams need to do to demonstrate compliance
  • The role of the responsible individual
  • Training for responsible individual
  • Guidance on completion of the registration form and pre-registration self-assessment

Support can be provided to individual practices or to groups of practices.

primary care