Effective business management and human resources solutions for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs)

If a business is only as good as its people – then the impact of individuals is greatest in businesses with a small workforce.

Owners and managers of small businesses regularly lose valuable time fulfilling a rising burden of administrative and non-core functions – time that could have been more valuably spent elsewhere.

If this is your situation, or you are over stretched, or you are having to take on responsibilities outside your experience or comfort-zone, then considering engaging an advisor with operational and HR experience at a senior level, within businesses from 5 to 250 staff, is a solution.

SFM Consulting provides companies around Central London, Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire with an experienced colleague to provide consultancy, advice, implementation and support.

Business Management

Business Analysis

There may be aspects of your business operations that you do not have the resources to analyse in detail, but when every penny counts, a more in-depth analysis may save, rather than cost money by providing a valuable insight for future planning.

Business Efficiency Check

Small companies don’t usually have the time to step back and examine their process to analyse where they could make savings or make aspects of the business run more smoothly and productively.

Human Resources

HR Audit

An audit looks at every aspect of HR activity from recruitment, through employment / engagement, training and development, performance management, motivation, HR policies and procedures to termination.

HR Services

There may be one-off projects for which additional resources or expertise are required, such as redundancies, recruitment drive, staff morale issues, introducing HR policies and procedures, improving internal communications or more.

Care Quality Commission

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission is the new independent regulator of health and social care in England. From April 2010 a new registration process comes into effect as a result of changes to legislation and this will impact on ALL providers of regulated health and social care services (see www.cqc.org.uk for details of regulated activities). The purpose of this new system is to make is easier for users to compare one provider with another. SFM Consulting provides private healthcare providers and private dentists with guidance on registration and on-going compliance.