Editors: Axel Klein
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 1745-9265
Online ISSN: 2042-8359
Aims and scope
Drugs and Alcohol Today offers the best in new thinking on drugs and alcohol practice and reports on the latest policy, laws and developments. Peer-reviewed, this practice-based Journal features current articles and research for professional working in the drugs and alcohol field.
Common themes that feature in the Journal include:
• a regular drugs policy forum between relevant prohibition and
legalising perspectives
• service user involvement and relations between drugs and
alcohol services
• patterns of drugs and alcohol use
• the criminal justice system.
Drugs and Alcohol Today is vital for everyone involved in drugs and alcohol use. It is a hugely valuable source of information for drug and alcohol action teams, the police, academics, universities and colleges, social workers, youth offending and youth justice teams, NHS and prison workers, primary care trusts, local authorities, community safety and probation officers, education services, trainers, the voluntary sector, service users, carers and students.
Aims and scope
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