Essex Mediation, helping couples to resolve issues when they divorce or separate.

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'We found the whole process very useful, the mediator lead us through a complex and difficult set of circumstances and helped us to deal with the situation calmly and effectively.'

'We were both given helpful, positive and useful information by the mediator in a caring and supportive manor.'

'Mediation helped us to avoid an upsetting court case, and I would recommend mediation to anyone who is experiencing problems after the break sown of there relationship.'

'I found mediation very helpful. Being able to go through the financial process in a safe environment was a big help.'

'Mediation kept things as stable as possible for the kids and reduced the amount of ill feeling and conflict they had to witness.'

'Mediation made a difficult situation more manageable.'

'The mediator was clear and supportive throughout the whole process. I felt like an individual not another case study or number.'

'I would recommend mediation to anyone going through divorce, the whole process from start to finish was excellent.'

Essex Mediation helps couples to with imparcial advice and guidance when they decide to divorce.
Essex Mediation made a difficult situation more manageable

Essex Mediation, Oliver House, Hall Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0HG   Tel: 01245 492200, Fax: 01245 493071