Essex Mediation, providing advice and guidance to divorcing or separating couples.

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Divorcing couples often need an impartial mediator when sorting out property and children.

Following a separation or divorce mediation will help you to communicate better.

Mediation will help you to make joint decisions about your property


Mediation is a voluntary process intended to help you sort out the practical and financial arrangements you both need to make when you are divorcing or separating.

You and your ex-partner will meet together with a third person -
a mediator. The mediator is there to support and guide your discussions.

The mediator will not take sides and will help the two of you organise and agree on your future.

Our team of qualified mediators will ensure everything you say during mediation meetings is confidential.

Please click here for an 'on line' application form
Chelmsford and Colchester are where Essex Mediation has offices.

Essex Mediation, Oliver House, Hall Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0HG   Tel: 01245 492200, Fax: 01245 493071