CONSTITUTION 1. NAME The Society shall be called the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society2. OBJECTSto publish the results of such recording and study. 3. MEMBERSHIPMembership of the Society shall be open to any person or body corporate wishing to further the objects of the Society. (b) As well as ordinary members, the Committee shall have the power to determine other categories of Membership, e .g. Family Members, Junior Members, Student Members or Life Members. The Members of any such categories of Membership shall have full voting rights at all Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.(c) The Committee shall have the power to decline any application for Membership or to terminate the Membership of any Member provided that this shall be the unanimous decision of the Committee and the reason thereof shall be communicated to the person or body concerned. An aggrieved applicant or Member shall have the right of appeal to a General Meeting of the Society.4. SUBSCRIPTIONS l subscription payable by each category of Member. (b) Life Members may be admitted and shall pay a single lump sum payment on admission, such amount to be determined by the Committee from time to time .(c) All subscriptions are due annually on 1st April, but any member joining the Society after 30 th September in any year shall pay only half the subscription then in force, for membership up to the following 31st March;(d) If any a Member's Subscription shall remain unpa id by 30th June in any year that Membership shall automatically lapse.(e) Any alteration in the rates of subscription for any category of member, which shall be determined by the Committee, shall be notified to all Members with the Notice calling the Annual General Meeting and shall be ratified at the Annual General Meeting, to take effect at the following 1st April. 5. FINANCE ome and expenditure of the Society. These accounts shall be audited and presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Society. ... . . (b) An Auditor, who shall not be a member of the Committee , shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting.(c) The financial year shall run from 1st October to 30th September .6. COMMITTEE - Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of the Journal and up to ten but not less than four other members from amongst whom the Committee may, at their absolute discretion, appoint additional Officers for specific duties. One individual may hold more than one office at the same time. (b) All Members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to hold office for one year. They may be eligible for re -election from year to year. The Committee may, at its absolute discretion, co-opt until the date of the next Annual General Meeting up to five additional Members;(c) The Committee shall meet as and when considered necessary but at least once in each calendar quarter; (d) Seven Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, provided that at least one of the Principal Officers shall be amongst those present. 7. PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS The Society may at an Annual General Meeting, appoint at its discretion, a President and such number of Vice-presidents as it desires; such appointments shall not carry any executive responsibility and shall not in themselves entitled the holder to Membership of any Committee. 8. GENERAL MEETINGS
9. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS . In the event of a tie the Chairman for the time being may, in his absolute discretion, have a casting vote and if he chooses not to use this casting vote, the decision shall be in favour of the 'status quo'. 10. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION aving appeared on the Agenda for the Meeting sent to all Members; (b) No alt eration to Clause 2 may be made nor any alteration be made that would cause the Society to cease to be a Charity at Law;(c) Any alteration to the Constitution shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote. 11. DISSOLUTION OF THE SOCIETY In the event of the winding up of the Society, all funds and assets shall be transferred to a Charity having similar objects or such other charitable purposes as may be approved by the Charity Commissioners .September, 1985 |
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