Brickmaking in Sussex M. Beswick The second part is a gazetteer of over 850 brickyard sites, giving their location, approximate dates and names of the operators, where known. The author has been active in the field of local history for many years, having written articles for Sussex Industrial History, compiled booklets on local village trades, and contributed a section on 'Brick Tile and Pottery Manufacture' to the new Historical Atlas of Sussex. This second edition of Brickmaking in Sussex includes a number of additions to the
gazetteer reflecting new information which has come to light since 1993. It
was published in 2001 at £14.95 and will be available from all good bookshops and the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society. Available from Peter Holtham, 12 St Helens Crescent, Hove, BN3 8EP Please make your cheque payable to SIAS |
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