

Lime Kilns
Gosfield Hall Gin
Bishopstone Tidemills Visit
Sussexias - Articles - Glynde Telpher
Main Lines
Branch Lines
Lost Mills
Colonel Stephens



SIH Index - Subjects & Places - 2009

SIH Database Volumes 1 to 36 right click to download in Excel format to search, sort etc.

Sussex Directories 1784 - 1975 - John Farrant

Sussex Branch Lines  - A Year 2000 Survey - John Blackwell

Sussex Main Lines - Year 2002 Survey John Blackwell

Hardham Tunnel and The Railway Connection - Arun Navigation - on the  'Arun In The Past' website

Lost Windmills of Sussex Guy Blythman

Copperas - A Sussex resource

Gosfeld Hall Donkey Gin & Beam Water Pump

Bishopstone Tidemills Visit

Sussex Railways of Colonel Stephens

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Last modified: April 14, 2022